Thursday, August 20, 2009

I decided to change our blog to a different account because I didn't necessarily want people I may tell about our vacation blog to have access to all current or future blogs I may create. So if you'd like to read about our trip click the link below.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Planning the Trip

With a little over a month to go for our trip I figured I'd start a blog so friends and family could read about and see our pictures as we were traveling.

In 2005 we took an 8 day trip, heading West on I-70 and East on I-80. Since we were limited by time we didn't get to see as much of the country as we would have liked. So we planned on taking another road trip as soon as we could get 2 weeks of vacation (and one day extra thanks to Labor Day).

This year, we have 17 days to play with so for the past few months, we've been jotting down the cities, national parks, and other destinations that we'd like to see. From there, we looked at the map, saw what was possible without going too far out of the way and decided how long we'd like to stay in the area. We tried to plan being in major cities (Chicago and LA) on weekends when it would be less likely to be crowded or heavy traffic. We also planned longer days of traveling through areas that wouldn't have as much sites to stop at so we could spend shorter drive time in areas that have alot going on (we learned during the 2005 trip that there really is nothing "Great" about the Great Plains and to avoid them at all costs).